
Report/StudySummaryDocuments including WEEE flows/quantities
Reuse. The understudied circular economy strategyFlemish Circular Economy Policy Research Centre, 2020: This report addresses blind spots in current research about the understudied circular phenomenon of reuse and the variety of formal and informal channels through which it may occur. It is based on existing literature, and available data, interviews and communication with actors in the field, and a survey study that was conducted in the fall of 2019. Based on the results of the survey, they map reuse in Flanders and develop a new indicator for measuring reuse.48
Holes in the Circular Economy: WEEE Leakage from Europe.
A Report of the e-Trash Transparency Project
Basel Action Network, 2018: The report reveals the findings of a two-year study in 10 EU countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the UK ) that followed 314 old computers, printers, and monitors in which GPS Trackers had been secretly installed to determine the rate and flows of "leakage" from the EU of consumer-generated WEEE. 19 (6%) of the tracked scrap equipment was exported to the countries of Ghana, Hong Kong, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, Thailand, and Ukraine, outside of the EU; the flows discovered, if extrapolated, would total 352,474 metric tonnes per annum, moving from the EU to developing countries.
Author(s): Jim Puckett; Chris Brandt; and Hayley Palmer.